

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Brooklyn ArtIsts

In 1997, when Arnold Lehman returned to Brooklyn to become Director of the Brooklyn Museum of Art, I suggested at a get-acquainted bagel breakfast that he consider showing and possibly making available for sale artwork by contemporary Brooklyn artists. I had seen this done successfully at other museums in and outside New York. I was disappointed that Dr. Lehman rejected my suggestion, saying it was the wrong business for the museum.

Today, only 15 years later, I received an email from the museum sponsoring a showing of artwork by Brooklyn artists in their studios next month! I am writing this blog to urge everyone who can to attend. With the prestige of the Brooklyn Museum behind this undertaking, over 1800 Brooklyn artists have signed up to participate. I know a number of these artists personally, and have seen work by many more at various venues over the years. I am delighted that Dr. Lehman and the museum have undertaken this project, and I anticipate that everyone involved will be happy with the results.

Google "Gobrooklynart" and you can get all the details. The Open Studio showings will take place on September 8 and 9, 2012, at locations throughout the borough. The website contains information about each artist and provides examples of their work. Given the large number of participants, I intend to spend some time before the opening reviewing their listings so I can try to determine the best artists to visit. It does not appear that the work will officially be available for sale. Tickets are not needed and the showings are free.

I intend to provide a list of artists whose work appeals to me from their online portfolios. For anyone who has similar art taste as me, my choices may be a useful supplement to your own selections.

I'm really excited about this exhibition. As you know, there are thousands of artists working in Brooklyn these days. Many of them have gallery and sometimes museum shows, but many more are talented without the opportunity to show their work. The chance to discover beautiful artwork has always been a thrill for me. This show will afford everyone who participates the same experience.

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