There is a growing "humanitarian" problem developing right in my own backyard. I have recently concluded that the small black cat that has been staying in my backyard does not belong to any of my neighbors after all, but is a stray seeking refuge.
I like this young cat. It is small and attractive and brave, with big yellow eyes and shiny black fur. In the past few days, it has has made several attempts to come through the back door and slip quietly past when I wasn't looking and go on a self-directed tour of our home. Yesterday I spotted it slinking past me and finally found it stretched out on the middle of a comfy sofa like it belonged there. I immediately scooped it up and carried it, without resistance, back outside.
As previously observed, the cat has no collar or tag. I initially thought it belonged to a neighbor because it was so friendly and well groomed. Becoming curious, however, I watched and discovered the cat remains full-time in our backyard. I see it all the time under a particular bush early in the morning and late at night.
So, now what? We really don't want a cat or any other pet at this time. Our wonderful dog, Milo, died about a year ago at age 14 1/2, and we are not interested in a successor of any kind. Moreover, we are dog people, not cat people, and don't really understand a cat's appeal. The real problem, however, is the responsibility of taking care of a pet. With Milo, we were always conscious of the need to rush home and walk him before we were ready to return. The problem was compounded when it came time to go away on a trip.
I'm now thinking of which of my neighbors to approach about an adoption. Our friend John around the corner had a dog and two cats simultaneously. They have all now died, and he might consider this lovable and fearless little creature. One next door neighbor has three dogs and clearly likes animals; she might be interested. Our neighbor on the other side has gerbils; their two kids might be interested and the parents might agree.
I know I'm not obligated, but my bleeding heart Democratic instincts compel me to help. After rooting for illegal Mexicans entering across our southern border seeking a better life, it's the least I can do. I don't want to start providing real cat food, because then the cat might never want to leave. I'll just continue doing small snacks and milk in the interim. The weather is still sunny and mild and conducive to outdoor living.
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